Here are some graphics that may be useful for wedding related businesses such as wedding officiant. These graphics go along with a recent blog post from my other wedding officiant website. You can check out the blog post by clicking here. This first graphic is a lovely image of wedding rings and the image is inside of a beautiful gold frame. The text on the top of the image says, "Wedding Vows". So this may be useful on a webpage that has wedding vows. The second graphic offered for free download is a diamond heart drawn on a black patterned background. The text inside the heart says, "Wedding Ceremonies" and might be good for displaying on a page of wedding officiant website or other wedding business website that offers information on wedding ceremonies. Read more to get these free wedding business related graphics offered in PNG format. All graphics on do Not have watermarks and so they are very useful for your business or personal projects. Please read my reasonable terms of use.
This beautiful inspirational graphic has an image of a foggy, misty, wooded area with the words from the Closing Prayer from The Chaplet Of Divine Mercy. The prayer reads as follows... Eternal God, in Whom mercy is endless, and the treasury of compassion inexhaustible, look kindly upon us, and increase Your mercy in us, that in difficult moments, we might not despair, nor become despondent, but with great confidence, submit ourselves to Your holy will, which is Love and Mercy Itself. Amen. I am offering this "Need Your Prayers Please" graphic for free download. I am also asking my beloved visitors to please pray for me! I have been told I have cancer and I need your prayers. Thank you so much and many blessings to all of you. In much pain these days and very weak. I hope to continue posting things on my site as it brings me much joy. I have so many ideas for certificates and graphics but my days are busy with doctor appointments. The tumors cause pain in my shoulder and arm making it difficult to use the computer but I really want to keep up with my websites as much as I can. I appreciate all my website visitors and all your fabulous comments and encouragement! Thanks so much to all of you!
Here is a beautiful Vow Renewal Certificate which has the blue jeweled tone Christian cross. The font color used matches the lovely blue tone of the cross. The quote at the bottom says... Together We Will Continue To Love And Serve As Christ Commands As Long As We Both Shall Live This certificate was designed to go along with the Vow Renewal Ceremony for the Your Lives Together In Jesus Christ Renewal Of Marriage Vows. Click here if you would like to view the ceremony wording for the vow renewal service.
Here are 3 additional color versions of the jewel toned Christian Cross image. Free downloads are offered in green, red and teal color images of a Christian Cross. You may want to use this free image download for your church website or printable projects such as church bulletin or baptism certificates.
There is also a sapphire blue jewel Christian Cross image that was previously posted, you can click here to view the blue Christian Cross. Here's a certificate of marriage with a vintage graphic inserted at the top of the frame. I used a lovely blue marble style for the border. The body of text is a more traditional style of wording used in years past. The vintage graphic is from the Graphics Fairy website you can click here to view it. The banner running across the top of the vintage image is the traditional "let not man put asunder" verse that is used in many wedding ceremonies... Matthew 19:6 Here's a lovely scripture graphic with a background photo of a beautiful clouded sky and lake. The scripture is a benediction from 2 Thessalonians... 2 Thessalonians 3:16 Here is a colorful Baby Blessing Certificate with a butterfly background. The quote at the bottom of the certificate reads... May The Butterfly Carry Your Wishes To The Heavens, From Where All Blessings Flow This unique Keepsake Marriage Certificate uses a Vintage French Business Card as the background image! The vintage graphic is from the Graphics Fairy website, if you have read many of my posts you will know that I love the stuff she offers on her site! If you check out her posting of this graphic (click here to view her post) you will see she explains that the original use of this image was for a business card. The design is so unusual I thought it would make a special and uncommon looking marriage certificate. The vintage graphic is so intricate and beautiful and I especially enjoy the roses that frame the top and the bottom of the image.
This scripture graphic is a verse from Jeremiah... Jeremiah 17:14 There are many scripture songs with this verse, and I try to remember to quietly sing this verse in times of great physical pain. As I recite the words and breathe deep and slow, it can bring me some comfort. I am not sure why we must sometimes suffer in agonizing physical pain... and I must admit it tries my faith and I don't always trust in the Lord as I should when the pain gets me down so much I feel I can't stand it another minute. But somehow I make it through and I know that one day I will understand more about "the why?" of it, but for now, I must try to remain faithful and trusting in God's plan even if I don't really like the plan so much at the moment.
Keepsake CertificatesBlog Free Graphics
And Printables - No Watermark - See FAQ page for download help.
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November 2016
by Michelle Avary