Let us not therefore judge one another any more: but judge this rather, that no man put a stumblingblock or an occasion to fall in his brother's way. Romans 14:13 KJV
Hello my cherished TrulyTruly.net visitors! I know it's been a while and my blog posts are few and far between these days! Still battling this cancer, so I need your prayers. Radiation and chemo really takes the energy out of me but I will try to keep the blog posts coming and the free graphics posted. It brings me much joy to do so! Today's post is a lovely scripture from Romans 14:13, and it reads... Our pastor has been preaching about grace and using God's grace to forgive one another and not judge one another. This quote is from a part of Romans in where I believe Paul is telling followers of Christ to not judge other folks ways of worshiping God. In today's world we can take this to mean to not judge other Christian denominations and how other groups may use certain rituals that are different from our group. Our denomination is not better than theirs, we all just have different ways of worshiping. The important thing is to take Jesus as your Savior and try to emulate Christ as best as you can. Forgive others as he forgives us and Love God with all your heart.
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November 2016
by Michelle Avary