Today I am posting a vow renewal certificate that is similar to a marriage certificate I posted in 2013. Recently I received a request from www.keepsakecertificates.com visitor Leah. She requested a vow renewal certificate that was the same as the marriage certificate. Also included is the Word .docx file of the certificate so you may edit the file. I usually do not post Word .docx's because there are many reasons that a Word .docx may not appear the same on your computer. For example, this certificate uses a custom font which you can download at Google Fonts. This beautiful vow renewal certificate was made using a vintage Victorian frame graphic from The Graphics Fairy website. This very intricate frame seems to have a "steampunk" flair to it. The scripture quote at the bottom reads... ...Faith, Hope And Love, But The Greatest Of These Is Love The vow renewal certificate reads... This is to Certify That ______ & ______ Recognized & Celebrated Their Enduring Sacred Bond With A Ceremony Of Renewed Vows Of Marriage... Hello my cherished TrulyTruly.net visitors! I know it's been a while and my blog posts are few and far between these days! Still battling this cancer, so I need your prayers. Radiation and chemo really takes the energy out of me but I will try to keep the blog posts coming and the free graphics posted. It brings me much joy to do so! Today's post is a lovely scripture from Romans 14:13, and it reads... Let us not therefore judge one another any more: but judge this rather, that no man put a stumblingblock or an occasion to fall in his brother's way. Romans 14:13 KJV Our pastor has been preaching about grace and using God's grace to forgive one another and not judge one another. This quote is from a part of Romans in where I believe Paul is telling followers of Christ to not judge other folks ways of worshiping God. In today's world we can take this to mean to not judge other Christian denominations and how other groups may use certain rituals that are different from our group. Our denomination is not better than theirs, we all just have different ways of worshiping. The important thing is to take Jesus as your Savior and try to emulate Christ as best as you can. Forgive others as he forgives us and Love God with all your heart.
Here is a different version of the Vintage French Frame Marriage Certificate. This post is for a wedding officiant that had a special request for the "In Holy Matrimony" text to be removed from the top of the certificate. She needs them for weddings of couples that request a non-religious ceremony.
For the original version in the blue color, with the "In Holy Matrimony", please see... www.keepsakecertificates.com blog/keepsake-marriage-certificate-with-vintage-french-frame For the original version in the pink color, please see... www.keepsakecertificates.com/blog/vintage-pink-french-frame-keepsake-marriage-certificate For the version with a place for signatures, please see... www.keepsakecertificates.com/blog/vintage-french-frame-marriage-certificate-with-signature-lines-added Today we have 3 more wedding themed graphics. These may be useful for placing on websites for wedding officiants or other wedding related businesses. These graphics go along with my recent post on the Dearly Beloved Blog, on another website I have. This graphic contains a familiar verse from wedding ceremonies that has been used through the ages... To Love And To Cherish Is My Solemn Vow The background image is of a diamond heart with a gold border. The next graphic consists of a purple frame and a turquoise background with a purple inset. The familiar phrase on this graphic is... I Now Pronounce You Husband And Wife The final graphic in this set has a black background with a gold heart and a diamond heart. Half of the text uses the diamond style and the other half uses a gold style for the text. This phrase is from the exchange of the rings part of the ceremony and says... With This Ring I Thee Wed Here are some graphics that may be useful for wedding related businesses such as wedding officiant. These graphics go along with a recent blog post from my other wedding officiant website. You can check out the blog post by clicking here. This first graphic is a lovely image of wedding rings and the image is inside of a beautiful gold frame. The text on the top of the image says, "Wedding Vows". So this may be useful on a webpage that has wedding vows. The second graphic offered for free download is a diamond heart drawn on a black patterned background. The text inside the heart says, "Wedding Ceremonies" and might be good for displaying on a page of wedding officiant website or other wedding business website that offers information on wedding ceremonies. Read more to get these free wedding business related graphics offered in PNG format. All graphics on TrulyTruly.net do Not have watermarks and so they are very useful for your business or personal projects. Please read my reasonable terms of use.
Here are the last 2 beach theme certificates that needed to be posted with the alternative location phrase that includes the word "At". As opposed to "On The Shores Of". To see all the beach themed certificates in all versions offered please visit the Beach/Ocean Themed Marriage Certificates page. These 2 certificates have a vintage seashell postcard as the background. The vintage image was found at thegraphicsfairy.com website.
Here is another beach themed certificate offered in the alternative version regarding the location part of the wedding ceremony. This certificate has a beautiful background with blue sky and ocean waves and a big seashell on the sand.
This post is in response to Nathan's request for the baptism certificate to say, "Father, Son and Holy Ghost". This certificate has the scripture from Romans 6:4 and it is the King James Version. Romans 6:4 King James Version (KJV) To see this previously posted certificate with a different version... using the same scripture verse but from the New Living Translation and says, "Father, Son and Holy Spirit", click here.
Keepsake CertificatesBlog Free Graphics
And Printables - No Watermark - See FAQ page for download help.
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November 2016
by Michelle Avary