Here are the last 2 beach theme certificates that needed to be posted with the alternative location phrase that includes the word "At". As opposed to "On The Shores Of". To see all the beach themed certificates in all versions offered please visit the Beach/Ocean Themed Marriage Certificates page. These 2 certificates have a vintage seashell postcard as the background. The vintage image was found at thegraphicsfairy.com website.
Here is another beach themed certificate offered in the alternative version regarding the location part of the wedding ceremony. This certificate has a beautiful background with blue sky and ocean waves and a big seashell on the sand.
This beach themed certificate was previously posted using the phrase "Were United In Marriage At" for the location segment of the certificate. Today's posting uses the other version of that phrase that ends in "On The Shores Of".
Today's posts are continuing in my project of offering all the beach theme certificates in 2 different versions in regards to the location of the ceremony segment of the certificate. One version uses the phrase... Were United In Marriage On The Shores of And the second version uses the phrase... Were United In Marriage At In order to accommodate the requests I have received for couples wanting a beach or ocean themed certificate with the phrase ending in "At", I have posted 2 more beach certificates. Below you will find the beach theme 2 regular and beach theme 2 sepia, both now offered with the "At" phrase.
Here's a sepia version of the Beach Theme 2 Marriage Certificate. I love the elegant script font used in the body of the certificate as well as the very official looking font for the text that says "Certificate Of Marriage" at the bottom of the certificate.
The neutral sepia tones are soothing and calming. If you prefer the color version see Beach Theme 2 Marriage Certificate. Here's a lovely Baby Blessing Certificate that uses the same vintage graphic from a previous post. The difference is that this time it is used as a large background image instead of a smaller inset image. The vintage graphic is from The Graphics Fairy site. Two different versions of this certificate are offered for download. Each of them has a different quote at the bottom. The first one has the quote... Blessed Spirit Of The Infinite Light Of Love And this one includes the quote... ...and so with abiding confidence and affection, we send you forth on your journey of life. If I use a shape or text box to contain the wording on a marriage certificate, I usually put it all in one box or shape. But this one is a bit different with 3 boxes. It makes me think of that song from the 80's by Sammy Hagar "One, Two, Three Lock Box". Anyway, this is a lovely certificate of marriage, free printable template. The background depicts sand and seashells. The font color is sampled from the dark bands of color on the spiral seashell and I just love it! I hope you enjoy it! The love quote at the bottom says... Our Love Is Never Ending Like The Waves That Rush To Shore I love this Certificate Of Baby Blessing! It has a soft aqua color background with a deep purple font. On the bottom corner of the certificate is a charming picture with little green birds drinking water from a seashell on the beach. The birds are the most delightful shades of the color green! The vintage graphic in the inset is from a greeting post card that I downloaded from the Graphics Fairy website. There are 2 versions of this certificate, each one has a different quote at the bottom. One version includes this quote at the bottom... Blessed Spirit Of The Infinite Light Of Love The second version has this quote... ...and so with abiding confidence and affection, we send you forth on your journey of life. Here is a water themed baby blessing certificate that has a background with the image of a vast ocean and sky with an inset of a rippling water droplet. This is similar to the water themed Baptism certificate previously posted on TrulyTruly.net, however this baby blessing certificate is not specific to any religion and has a more universal tone. The quote at the bottom of the certificate says... …and so with abiding confidence and affection, we send you forth on your journey of life. This Certificate Of Baby Blessing is offered in PDF format.
This certificate is also offered in Word .docx format if you prefer to type in the variable information. The Word document will allow you to make edits. The PDF version can be printed and the variable info can be manually written in with a pen. Read more to get this certificate. Here is the last one of the seashells in a box collection. I like these seashells in the watery wavey looking box. They are especially cute when made smaller as shown in the gallery above with the 5 shells. Read more to get these free seashell graphics, with no "watermark" no pun intended! I couldn't resist! But seriously all the free graphics and printables offered at TrulyTruly.net are with no watermark so you can use them for your web projects and printable projects.
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November 2016
by Michelle Avary